ECC connects European commodity markets through integrated and automated clearing processes. One clear connection enables Trading Participants to benefit from a broad network of partners and maximum cross-commodity effects.

    Currently, ECC provides clearing services for the partner exchanges BSP, EEX, EPEX SPOT, SEMOpx, HUDEX, HUPX, Norexeco and SEEPEX.


    BSP Energy Exchange LLC (BSP) operates a physical day-ahead market and intraday market with market coupling services in Slovenia. BSP is part of the Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange - ADEX, which is the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe.




    The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading energy exchange in Europe which develops, operates and connects secure, liquid and transparent markets for energy and related products. As part of EEX Group, a group of companies serving international commodity markets, EEX offers contracts on Power, Emission Allowances, Natural Gas and Coal as well as Freight and Agricultural Products. EEX is part of Deutsche Börse Group.

    visit EEX


    The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE and its affiliates operate physical short-term electricity markets in 13 countries: in Central Western Europe, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Nordics and in Poland. Furthermore, EPEX SPOT offers local flexibility markets solution and Guarantees of Origin auctions, to foster the integration of renewable energy sources and to enhance the engagement of consumers and producers in the power market.

    visit EPEX Spot


    SEMOpx is a contractual joint venture between EirGrid PLC and SONI LTD, providing for Ireland and Northern Ireland physical short-term electricity markets on an all island basis. SEMOpx operates a dual currency market operated as a single bidding zone, coupled with Great Britain to facilitate cross border trading in the pan European Market.

    Visit SEMOpx


    HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd., member of HUPX Group, is the first financial energy exchange of Hungary. HUDEX offers Hungarian financial power products with optional physical delivery and gas physical futures products. The exchange supports the Group’s primary objective to provide power and gas reference prices for Hungary and for the Balkan region.

    visit HUDEX


    HUPX Zrt., located in Budapest, Hungary, was established by the Hungarian TSO and holds the license to operate the organised electricity market in Hungary. The role of HUPX is to deliver a reliable price reference in Hungary and to facilitate the integration of power markets within the CEE region. HUPX offers anonymous day-ahead and intraday trading on the Hungarian power market, thus providing high level standards both in terms of trading and clearing services for its members.

    visit HUPX


    NOREXECO ASA, located in Oslo, Norway, will offer a fully regulated environment for trading derivatives in the wood, recycled fibre and pulp industries.

    visit NOREXECO


    SEEPEX (Serbian Power Exchange) is a joint venture between Elektromreža Srbije (EMS), the Serbian transmission system operator, and EPEX SPOT. The Exchange is a major step in the creation of a regional power trading solution for South Eastern Europe (SEE) and fosters the development of a competitive, transparent and reliable electricity market for Serbia. It operates an organized electricity market, as the institutionally regulated relation between supply and demand of participants on the electricity market with predetermined standardized electricity products and delivery within a time frame day-ahead and intra-day with the aim to offer these electricity products for trading in Serbia and in the SEE region, where appropriate.

    visit SEEPEX

    Anja Drosdziok

    Director Member Readiness

    +49 341 24680-261