Contact ECC AG

    European Commodity Clearing AG Augustusplatz 9 04109 Leipzig Germany

    Phone:   +49 341 24680-444
    Fax:       +49 341 24680-409

    Management board:
    Dr.-Ing. Dr. Tobias Paulun (CEO)
    Dr. Götz Dittrich (COO)
    Jens Rick (CIO)
    Court of company registration:
    Amtsgericht Leipzig (Leipzig Local Court)
    Company registration number:
    HRB 22 3 62
    VAT/Sales Tax ID No.:
    DE 248 156 757

    European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) is a subsidiary of European Energy Exchange AG (EEX AG) based in Leipzig, Germany. ECC is a clearing house according to Section 1 Paragraph 31 of the German Banking Act.

    Heike Eckert is the Chairwomen of the Supervisory Board.

    ECC is supervised by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority), Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany.

    Contact ECC Lux S.à.r.l.

    European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.á.r.l. The Square 42 Avenue JF Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg

    Phone:   +352 / 243-36120
    Fax:       +352 / 243-38276

    Managing director:
    François Bourgon
    Jaap Meijer

    Company register court:
    Registre de Commerce et de Sociétés Luxembourg
    Company registration number:
    R.C. Luxembourg B 134195
    VAT/Sales Tax ID No.:
    LU 234 188 29

    European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.á.r.l. (ECC Lux) is a subsidiary of European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) and it is based in Strassen, Luxembourg. ECC Lux steps into the supply chain as an additional contractual partner for the settlement of commodity deliveries from transactions in power, natural gas and emission allowances which are settled by ECC.

    ECC establishes and operates the website for both European Commodity Clearing AG and European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.á.r.l.

    Online Content

    The contents of this website may only be used for information purposes and do not constitute investment advice. Nothing herein constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any contract, issue or product described herein.

    ECC is not liable or responsible for the information contained herein being comprehensive, complete or accurate. Accordingly, no person should rely on any information contained herein. ECC is not responsible or liable for any consequences resulting from acting upon the contents of this or another site.

    The information service is principally intended for users with legal residence in Germany and user with legal residence in Switzerland or a member state of the EU. This webpage/website and its contents (in particular graphics, audio and video clips, HTML code, buttons and text) may not be copied, linked, reproduced, published, transmitted, transferred or distributed and marketed in any manner without the prior written permission of ECC. However, the downloading of a single copy in a single personal computer’s memory for personal, non-commercial use only is expressly permitted (such copy may be stored either permanently or temporarily in the PC's memory, the content may be displayed offline and parts of the content may be reproduced as hard copies). This is only permitted on condition that the webpage/website and its content remains unaltered and that all the information on copyright, patents, trademarks and other proprietary rights is attached to the reproduced copies or that the relevant information is included in extracts. The distribution or use of the information or parts thereof is restricted to private purposes and to countries where its distribution or use does not violate the existing law. Any commercial use is only permitted with the explicit authorization of ECC.

    References and Links

    With regard to direct or indirect references to other websites ("links") that are beyond the scope of ECC’s responsibility, a liability obligation only applies if the content of such pages was known to the author, and if it is reasonable and technically possible for the author to prevent their use in the case of illegal content. The author expressly states that no illegal contents were identified on the linked sites at the time when the links were created.

    ECC has no control over the current and future design, or the content of the linked/referenced sites. The author therefore distances him/herself expressly from any and all contents on all linked/referenced pages which were modified after the link was created.

    This statement applies to all links and references created within the author’s own website, as well as to third-party entries in mailing lists set up by ECC. Any liability for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete contents, and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information provided, rests solely with the provider of the page to which the link leads, rather than with the person who established the link.

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    The contents of this website may only be used for information purposes. This webpage/website and its contents (in particular graphics, audio and video clips, HTML code, buttons and text) may not be copied, linked, reproduced, published, transmitted, transferred or distributed and marketed in any manner without the prior written permission of Deutsche Börse.

    However, the downloading of a single copy in a single personal computer's memory for personal, non-commercial use only is expressly permitted (such copy may be stored either permanently or temporarily in the PC's memory, the content may be displayed offline and parts of the content may be reproduces as hard copies). This is only permitted on condition that the webpage/website and its contents remain unaltered and all information about the copyright, patents, trademarks and other proprietary rights is attached to the reproduced copies or that the relevant information is included in extracts.

    Applicable Law

    The information on the website is subject to German law and it is a media service of ECC.
    Legal Validity of this Disclaimer
    This disclaimer forms part of the website containing the link to this page. In the event that individual parts of this text or phrases therein are or become legally in-valid (either in their entirety or in part), the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document shall not be affected.

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