Dr.-Ing. Dr. Tobias Paulun, Chief Executive Officer

    Dr. Dr. Tobias Paulun has been CEO of European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) since 1st April 2023. From January 2015 to March 2023, he held the position of Chief Strategy Officer within the Management Board of EEX.

    Tobias Paulun has been with EEX Group since August 2009, when he started in product development and later headed the strategy department of EEX. He has also been a member of the Management Board of EPEX SPOT and Managing Director Exchange at EEX.

    Previously, he worked at the Institute of Electrical Systems and Energy Economics (IAEW) of RWTH Aachen University with a focus on the long-term development of the European electricity market and optimisation of grid expansion of electricity and gas networks.

    Dr. Götz Dittrich, Chief Operating Officer

    Götz Dittrich has been Chief Operating Officer of ECC since 1st January 2019. In addition, since March 2025, he has held the position of Chief Operating Officer of EEX.

    In his role as COO of ECC, Götz Dittrich assumes responsibility for the operative business of the clearing house. Götz Dittrich joined the company in 2013. Prior to his appointment to the Management Board he was Director Clearing & Settlement of ECC and in this function responsible for risk operation, physical and financial settlement as well as the development of ECC’s clearing systems. After graduating in physics he worked at Leipzig University and attained a doctorate in natural sciences in 1999. Afterwards, he worked in different management positions in software development, insurance and energy trading companies with focus on quantitative analytical as well as operational functions.

    Jens Rick, Chief Information Officer

    Jens Rick is a member of the EEX Management Board since 1st February 2019 and a member of the ECC Management Board since 1st November 2019.

    Before joining EEX Group, Jens Rick was Director of Energy IT at Deutsche Börse AG, a position he held from 2015. In that function Jens Rick has been responsible for the design, development and operation of the trading systems in the M7 product family and XBID, including sales and customer management. Prior to that he managed various software and consulting companies in the financial sector, among others with a focus on data management and trading infrastructure.

    Dr. Ralf Prinzler, Chief Risk Officer

    Ralf Prinzler joined the ECC Management Board on 1 January 2025 as Chief Risk Officer, with the responsibility to oversee all risk management-related operations at the clearing house.

    He held the position of Director Risk Management at ECC between July and December 2024, prior to which he spent 22 years at German development bank KfW at multiple risk management positions, including Head of Risk Controlling.

    Supervisory Board

    The Supervisory Board of ECC consists of 6 members. Its members are elected for a term of three years.

    The current members of the Supervisory Board are:

    • Heike Eckert (Chairwoman)
    • Jürg Spillmann (Deputy Chairman)
    • Dr. Karin Labitzke
    • Thomas Laux
    • Mario Claeys
    • Vincent van Lith

    Diana Tietz

    Head of Boards & Committees


    +49 341 21 56-4 08 diana.tietz@ecc.de