ECC Lux S.àr.l.

    The Luxembourg-based ECC subsidiary European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.àr.l. started operations on 1 October 2009. It steps into the delivery process as an additional contractual partner in respect to settlement of deliveries of commodities from transactions in power, natural gas and emission allowances which are settled by ECC.


    Contact ECC Lux S.àr.l.:

    European Commodity Clearing Luxembourg S.àr.l.
    The Square
    42 Avenue JF Kennedy
    L-1855 Luxembourg

    Phone: +352 / 243-36120
    Fax: +352 / 243-38276

    Managing Director: François Bourgon, Jaap Meijer

    Court of company registration: Registre de Commerce et de Sociétés Luxembourg
    Company registration number: R.C. Luxembourg B 134195
    VAT/Sales Tax ID No.: LU 234 188 29